Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Our place looks great in the snow. Even the turkeys like it! I stood at the counter to pour another cup of coffee, and noticed that we had visitors. Here they are from my kitchen window. (Yeah, I know, I need to clean the window again. It's too cold, though. Shhhhh. It's a perfectly good excuse.  Really. ) 
They were just hanging out in the driveway this afternoon, sniffing around and napping. Seriously, three of them were really napping, for about 10 minutes. Heads down, eyes closed. Sort of. Then their compadres came along. They kept popping their heads into the snow, and under the rear tire of my car. I wonder what they wanted down there? Ice?

Well, it seems as though these are the only visitors I'm going to get for a while. I got a call from my UPS delivery folks. They were very nice. In short, they are afraid to drive up my icy dead end dirt road, so I may not have any new metal for a while. My silver shipment will be sitting in the UPS office. Did I really want to make any jewelry today anyway?

That's OK. I can pick it up tomorrow.  For now, I have visitors to attend to. Where did I put the bird seed?